We are proud of our network of Prayer Warriors. When configuring your QR code, you can choose to use this amazing network to handle prayer responses OR you can bring your own team (someone will reach out to help you set that up).
Our normal discipleship process is inspired by the Disciple-Making Movement, the originator of the popular "Discovery Bible Study". By default, prayer requests that develop to step 5 will lead to an invitation to join our discipleship process. But if you'd prefer to handle discipleship in your own team, you can configure the QR code to direct to you instead (someone will reach out to help you set that up).
By default, QR codes direct users to a generic landing page to take their prayer requests. However, you can configure your QR code to point to a custom landing page. This could be a landing page about the event or place where the QR code is placed. It can contain maps, images, links and many other elements. This option has a cost, which is $120/year, and includes hosting and basic design.
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